L'Art du Son LP-Reiniger

MSRP €35.00

L'Art du Son is a concentrate for wet cleaning records. It works equally well on vinyl and shellac records. Unlike virtually all other liquids, L'Art du Son contains no alcohol, emulsifiers or preservatives. This is a blessing for the records, but confronts the user with suspended particles in the concentrate and in the finished cleaning solution. These dissolve on shaking and are completely harmless.

The bottle contains enough concentrate for about 500 records. For use, mix 1:50 with distilled or demineralised water. A measuring cup is provided. Please store the finished mixture in a dark and cool place. For best results use the Mobile Fidelity Record Brush.

L'Art du Son has won numerous international awards as the best record cleaner, and the American magazine "The Absolute Sound" even attributes it with magical powers for unfolding the sound of LPs. Even brand new LPs clearly benefit from L'Art du Son and should be treated with it. Many users claim that it is only through the "magic touch" of this product that they have learnt to appreciate their records, and there is hardly a manufacturer of record cleaning products who does not offer L'Art du Son in addition to their own products.

More information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found in this English instructions and FAQs

Notice in accordance with the EU Consumer Protection Directive: 1 bottle of L'Art du Son LP cleaner contains 100 ml of active substance as a concentrate. This makes 5 litres of cleaner. The price per litre of concentrate would be € 350.

    Abseits der Reinigungswirkung erreichte nämlich keine andere Flüssigkeit einen solchen klanglichen Gewinn wie L' Art du Son: Es stellte sich eine betörende Gelöstheit und Tiefenstaffelung ein, die Darbietungen schwirrten vor Feindynamik und Details, Celli zeigten einen harzigen Anstrich, Stimmen tönten extrem homogen. Eine Tinktur für gesteigerte Musikalität. Das grenzte tatsächlich irgendwie an Magie.

    STEREO, Ausgabe 10/2015

    Müssen wir am Ende gar den "Klang" von Reinigungsmitteln diskutieren? - Ja! Sogar saubere, zuvor mit selbst Gemixtem behandelte Platten klingen nach einer weiteren Wäsche mit L' Art du Son plastischer und räumlich besser definiert. Die Dynamik entfaltet sich schlüssiger und der Ton hat mehr "Schmelz"; er ist weniger rau und wirkt feiner abgestuft. Die Musik löst sich freier von einem ruhigeren Hintergrund ab.

    - Heinz Gelking, image hifi, Ausgabe 1/2005